// I don't know if this will work, but we can try..... -fs64 // https://codingartistweb.com/2022/06/testimonial-slider-using-javascript/ heavily modified from this -64 console.info("Loading memories.js..."); // browser js is so bootleg let memories; // contain the memories let cm = 0; // (C)urrent (m)emory // Get our memeoriesBox and buttons from HTML elements on the HTML page let memoriesBox = document.getElementById("memoriesBox"); let nxtBtn = document.getElementById("next"); let bckBtn = document.getElementById("prev"); let displayMemory = () => { memoriesBox.innerHTML = `



`; }; (async() => { await fetch("./conf/memories.json").then(r=>r.json()).then(d=>memories=d).catch(e=>{ // error code when fetching here console.log(e) }); let l = memories.length; // Total file length console.info(`Found ${l} memory keys!`); nxtBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { cm = (l + cm + 1) % l; displayMemory(); }); // Switch to the next memory bckBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { cm = (l + cm - 1) % l; displayMemory(); }); // Switch back to the previous memory, nopony tell anyone else that we copied this :^) -64 displayMemory(); // This will executed as soon as all the above has. -TCG })(); console.info("Done!");