32 lines
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32 lines
1.5 KiB
module.exports = {
name: 'opensource',
description: 'Attributions to open source components used by Anitrox',
execute(client, message, args){
const embed = {
"title": "Component Attribution",
"description": "Some parts of Anitrox are using open source code, and their attributions are avaliable here!",
"color": 52508,
"footer": {
"icon_url": "https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/-qaO3jaZLojhEnjrHiKABdXD7gLWqFvdUqHdskNGWhE/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/549707869138714635/793524910172667964/Screenshot_26.png",
"text": "Made with ❤ in Illinois | Anitrox by IDeletedSystem64"
"thumbnail": {
"url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/803658122299572255/838854256471703602/793885335498522685.png"
"fields": [
"name": "Discord.JS",
"value": "[Check out the Discord.JS project on GitHub](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/)"
"name": "The Anitrox Project",
"value": "[Check out Anitrox on GitHub](https://github.com/IDeletedSystem64/anitrox)"
"name": "You",
"value": "Using and supporting the Anitrox Project, thank you! ❤"
message.channel.send({ embed });
}} |