module.exports = { name: require('path').parse(__filename).name, description: 'Attributions to open source components used by Anitrox', async execute(_0, message, _1, config){ await{embed: { "title": "Contributors", "description": "Links to check out our contributors!", "color": 52508, "footer": { "icon_url":, "text": config.footerTxt }, "thumbnail": { "url": "" }, "fields": [ { "name": "chuu_shi", "value": "Thanks to Chuu for letting me use some of his resources to host Anitrox!\n <:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!](" }, { "name": "OfficialTCGMatt", "value": "Matt has helped quite a bit with Anitrox, especially in the early days of Anitrox's development! He even has his own bot!\n <:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!](\n :robot: [Check out TheCodingBot!](" }, { "name": "Foxinatel", "value": "Foxi has made massive improvements to Anitrox, such as improving error handling, and much more!\n<:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!](" } ] }}); } }