const { Constants } = require('discord.js'); const gifchoices = [ '', '', '', '', '' ]; module.exports = { name: require('path').parse(__filename).name, description: 'Kisses a user!', options: [{ name: 'user', description: 'The user to kiss', required: true, type: Constants.ApplicationCommandOptionTypes.USER }], async execute (client, message, _, config) { const taggedUser = message.mentions.users.first(); const avatarURL =; if (!taggedUser) { await'You need to @mention a user!', avatarURL)); } else { const gif = gifchoices[Math.floor(Math.random() * gifchoices.length)]; await{ embeds: [{ title: ':heart: Kiss', description: `${taggedUser} You have been kissed by ${}!`, color: 9442302, footer: { icon_url: avatarURL, text: config.footerTxt }, image: { url: gif } }] }); } } };