module.exports = { name: 'invite', description: 'Sends invite to add the bot to a server.', execute(client, message) { const embed = { "title": "Add Anitrox to your Server", "description": "Weather you want stable, or that squeaky clean fresh PTB build, we gotchu.", "color": 9442302, "footer": { "icon_url": "", "text": "Made with ❤ in Illinois | Anitrox © 2018-2021 IDeletedSystem64" }, "thumbnail": { "url": "" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Anitrox", "value": "This is the stable main build. \n" }, { "name": "Anitrox PTB (Public Test Build)", "value": "This is the PTB build, which has new features as they are pushed out. and is generally stable. \n" } ] };{ embed }); }, };