module.exports = { name: require('path').parse(__filename).name, description: 'Restarts the bot', options: [], async parseMessage (client, config, message) { await this.handle(client, config,,; }, async parseInteraction (client, config, interaction) { await this.handle(client, config, interaction.user,; }, async handle (client, config, user, channel) { if ( === process.env.OWNERID) { const embeds = [{ title: ' Restart Bot', description: 'Restarting Anitrox...', color: 9442302, footer: { icon_url: user.displayAvatarURL(), text: config.footerTxt } }]; console.log('[SYSTEM] [INFO] Restarting now!'); const response = await channel.send({ embeds }); try { client.destroy(); await client.login(process.env.TOKEN); console.log('[SYSTEM] [INFO] Restarted successfully!'); await response.edit({ embeds: [{ title: ':white_check_mark: Restart Bot', description: 'Restarted!', color: 9442302, footer: { icon_url: user.displayAvatarURL(), text: config.footerTxt } }] }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } else { console.error('[SYSTEM] [ERR] User ' + user.username + " tried to restart the bot, but doesn't have permission! If this was you, Check your config.json"); await channel.send(client.generateErrorMessage('You do not have permission to run this command.', user.displayAvatarURL())); } } };