module.exports = { name: 'help', description: '', execute(client, message, args) { const messageAuthor = const embed = { "title": "<:NyabotInfo:697145463350231040> **HELP** " + messageAuthor.username + " **THE BOT IS ON FIRE!** ", "color": 9442302, "description": "More commands are soon to come, stay tuned!", "footer": { "text": "Made with ❤ in Illinois | Anitrox by IDeletedSystem64" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Utility Commands", "value": "`help` ``info`` ``userinfo`` ``ping`` ``invite`` ``avatar``" }, { "name": "Server Management Commands", "value": "`setnick`" }, { "name": "Action Commands", "value": "`hug` `poke` `bonk` `slap` `pat` `kiss` `lick` `cuddle` `nom` `leskiss` `snuggle`" }, { "name": "**...or is the bot actually on fire? Come here for help and support!**", "value": "" }, { "name": "**Or you can view the bot progress, known issues, and planned features!**", "value": "" }, { "name": "<:AnitroxInfo:809651936831733791> **The bot isn't yet fully finished. There's more to come! if I don't rewrite from scratch that is 😛**" } ] };{ embed }); } };