const { ApplicationCommandOptionType } = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { name: require('path').parse(__filename).name, description: 'Ask Anitrox a question, any question! and they will answer it!', options: [{ name: 'question', description: 'The question to ask Anitrox', required: true, type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String }], async parseInteraction (client, config, interaction) { await interaction.reply(this.handle(client, config, interaction.user, interaction.options.getString('question'))); }, handle (client, config, user, question) { const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * config.answers.length); const answer = config.answers[index]; const avatarURL = user.displayAvatarURL(); if (!question) return client.generateErrorMessage('You need to ask a question!', avatarURL); return { embeds: [{ title: ':8ball: 8Ball', description: `Your amazing question: **${question}**`, color: 9442302, footer: { icon_url: avatarURL, text: config.footerTxt }, fields: [ { name: 'Answer', value: `${answer}` } ] }] }; } };