{ "prefix": "n!", "token": "IM SO EXCITED ABOUT BURGER", "ownerID": "MY FAVORITE COLOR IS TWELVE", "release": "Stable Release", "build": "1.2.2", "footerTxt": "Anitrox, made with <3 by IDeletedSystem64 | 2018-2022", "sandbox": { "enabled": false, "id": "793537380330111028", "refreshLocal": false, "refreshGlobal": false }, "statuses": [ "with np!help", "with Sophie!", "Trans Rights!", "in your computer", "with my internet router", "ssh: system64@borkeonv2", "YouTube", "with source code", "Visual Studio Code", "Minecraft", "with the network connections.", "VLC Media Player", "Chromium" ], "locations": [ "Microsoft", "LinusTechTips", "Linus Torvalds", "borkeonv2", "Google", "", "", "Sophie's computer", "Mars", "Elon Musk", "TMC Software" ], "answers": [ "Heck no!", "Are you crazy!? No!", "Don't even think about it.", "No! You might bork something!", "Heck yeah", "I don't think so.", "Let me think about it first. No.", "Let me think about it first. Yeah", "Let me think about it first. Maybe", "I don't know man", "Maybe", "I'm not sure", "Ask again", "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!", "Definitely!", "Go for it! :smile:", "Good idea!", "Sure" ], "intents": [ "GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES", "GUILD_PRESENCES" ] }