module.exports = { name: "stop", description: "Stops the bot", execute(client, message, args) { if ( == 309427567004483586) { const embed = { "title": " **Shutting Down...**", "description": "See you next time!", "color": 9442302, "footer": { "icon_url": "", "text": "Made with ❤ in Illinois | Anitrox © 2018-2021 IDeletedSystem64" } };{ embed }); setTimeout(function(){ client.destroy() }, 5000); } else { const denied = { "title": ":AnitroxDenied: Access Denied", "description": "You need to be the bot owner to execute this command!", "color": 13632027, "footer": { "icon_url": "", "text": "Made with ❤ in Illinois | Anitrox © 2018-2021 IDeletedSystem64" } };{ denied }); } } }