const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: 'opensource', description: 'Attributions to open source components used by Anitrox', async execute(_0, message, _1, footerTxt){ await MessageEmbed({ "title": "Component Attribution", "description": "Some parts of Anitrox are using open source code, and their attributions are avaliable here!", "color": 52508, "footer": { "icon_url":, "text": footerTxt }, "thumbnail": { "url": "" }, "fields": [ { "name": "Discord.JS", "value": "[Check out the Discord.JS project on GitHub](" }, { "name": "The Anitrox Project", "value": "[Check out Anitrox on GitHub](" }, { "name": "You", "value": "Using and supporting the Anitrox Project, thank you! ❤" } ] })); } }