module.exports = { name: '8ball', description: 'Ask Anitrox a question, any question! and they will answer it!', execute(client, message, args) { const answers = [ "Heck no!", "Are you crazy? No!", "Don't even think about it.", "No! You might bork something!", "Heck yeah", "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", "Definitely!", "Go for it! :smile:" // This should have a 50/50 amount of yes and no answers for equality. ] const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (answers.length - 1) + 1); const question = message.content var answer = (answers[index]); const embed = { "title": ":8ball: Anitrox 8 Ball", "description": "**" + question + "**", "color": 6942950, "footer": { "icon_url": "", "text": "Made with :heart: in Illinois | Anitrox (C) IDeletedSystem64 2018-2021" }, "fields": [ { "name": "🤔 My Answer", "value": answer } ] };{ embed }); } }