value:'Thanks to Chuu for letting me use some of his resources to host Anitrox!\n <:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!](\n <:discord:1057053513210937444> [Check out his Discord community!]('
value:"Matt has helped quite a bit with Anitrox, especially in the early days of Anitrox's development! He even has his own bot!\n <:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!](\n :robot: [Check out TheCodingBot!](\n :globe_with_meridians: [Check out Netro Corp!]("
value:'Foxi has made massive improvements to Anitrox, such as improving error handling, and much more!\n<:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Check out his code!]('
value:'Zaeroses created the Xenia icon Ive used in about when a user hosts Anitrox on Linux based systems. Its been modified to have a transflag-colored glow in the background. \n<:fediverse:1060390228881322004> [Check out their Mastodon! (](\n<:GitHub:778165439477841981> [Checkout their code!]('