[RBLXCompressor](https://git.system64.dev/IDeletedSystem64/RBLX-Compressor), a compression tool for compressing places compatible with the popular Old RŌBLOX launcher [Novetus](https://bitl.itch.io/Novetus).\
[Anitrox](https://git.system64.dev/IDeletedSystem64/anitrox), a currently in hiatus Discord bot project made in Discord.JS.\
[system64.dev](git.system64.dev/IDeletedSystem64.dev), My website.
If you'd like to contribute to a project, You can likely find it on my [GitHub](https://github.com/IDeletedSystem64), where most of my projects also live for public collaboration and whatnot. Otherwise, You may submit patches via [Email](mailto:ideleted@system64.dev), If you're a friend you can also get an account here, Just ask!